Sep 10, 2008

New job comes calling!

I've been missing the blog scenario for quite some time now! I found that I have so much to catch up on. So many blogs to read, so many people to connect with. So if anyone 'is' curious as to why I was away for so long, the reason is this - had been buried with work load, was looking out for a new job, got a new job when I was least expecting it to happen and in the midst of it all, didn't get the time for my recent favorite activity!

So here I was one day at work and found myself without any work! Went into a spiralling thought process about my career and life. Spoke to my colleague(past college mate) about the quality of work. Of course, he had better things to do in life than share my reminiscing thoughts. Then I knew it was time to look out for something new. But hey, when you want something so bad, it's never gonna happen rite? So I waited and waited but nothing good turned up.

As usual work was just getting mediocre. I decided to talk to my superior regarding this - fixed the date and time when I would talk, also practised the talk in front of the mirror. And as if they'd got some telepathic waves, that day I got a whole list of new and interesting tasks to work on. And then onwards, my schedule was so tight, I literally didn't have time to lift my head up leave alone blogging. But for a change I started enjoying work. There was a fixed target to be met in a particular period. As for my previous colleague, who is in the designing team, work started getting repetitive. But this time, I had better things to do in life than hear his reminiscing thoughts.

And then it HAPPENED!!! After all the applying, re-applying, getting calls, going for interviews, being rejected, I got to know about a new opening. Having nothing to lose, went ahead and viola! got the final call. You'd thing the hard part is over. Then comes the part where you break this news to your boss. That time they make you feel like you are the most worthiest of the employee ever and as to how could you ever think of leaving. This from a guy whose only other conversation with me was when I was being hired! Then the questioning as to is the new job really worth the current one? The contempt for the new profile. The promises to make current job more interesting. All these talks really put you out of track and makes you wonder - sheesh , am I really taking the right decision leaving these wonderful people?
Every work teaches you a lot, adding experience and good memories. Parting is never pleasure for anyone. When I finally convinced them that they could not possibly do anything to stop me from moving on, I got to hear a deep sigh, a look of betrayal and a tone of fake 'all-the-bests'. And then came the dread of putting up the papers, getting all papers, submitting the papers to the new company, all the formalities, referral checks. Its never ending! And I'm wait in anticipation, expecting the worse, looking out for any possiblities of screw ups! You'd think anyone would be thrilled and on top of the world with the new job. Well, hold the excitement, you might be move after 2 years again!

Aug 4, 2008

Loyally yours!

"Friends are God's ways of apologizing for our families."
- Anonymous.

Obviously friends are important through all stages of life. We make friends left, right and center but only some stand out of the crowd. And the criteria for them being 'a friend' ranges from having similar interests, tolerance to all your tantrums, standing with you through thick and thin and as a quote by Oscar Wilde says "A true friend stabs you in the front". But sometimes even the most favorable friendships do not stand the test of time, while some do. Its difficult to maintain friendships for many reasons - a fight, distance, change of life tracks or simply by falling out of touch.

And we make frenz on every instance of our life. Some have been friends since their diaper days. Some make friends in school, college and at work places. As we grow up as persons, our personality changes and we might happen to be in different places in our lives. So that can be a reasonable excuse to give up a friendship that might be so close to your heart. Either they move on or you do. And there are those who stick to you like a glue, who'll never leave your side no matter what. Be it during times of trouble, insanity, rage and holds on through thick and thin, or during times of joyful and happy times. It is so much easier to forget all the good things your friends do and to remember the times you had a fight or a misunderstanding.

This Sunday was Friendship's Day. And though I don't recommend that we need one particular day to suddenly realise the value of friends, the thought is surely nice. And since this is my blog where I write on anything and everything, I think its only fair that I dedicate one post for my precious friends. Some of whom I've known from my school, junior college, grads, post grads and work. These are the guys, with whom I've managed to be in touch with or rather some who have been in touch with me (lot of touchiness!! ). So, here is a dedication for all you guys.

Sons - Thanks for teaching me to have fun in life and for all the sacrifices you have done
on my behalf. And im sorry for being a jerk, yaar!

Prats - Thanks for getting in touch with me again. You showed me that its more important to
be content in whatever life throws at us. But I still think you are capable of much more
than you think.

Kets - For not changing anything between us. And dear, no matter how much you think you have become the calm, elegant, graceful ladylike, for me u'll still be the same old tom-boy, care-too-hoots, hyperactive girl who always stood or knelt out of class punished along side me.

Josh - For being so bindass and also got us all in trouble at times. Full of life. Its a rare sight to see you down. Basically, showing me how to laugh at our silliness and mistakes.

Reks - For being my punching bag and at times my competition. For keeping me soooo grounded and for not letting time or distance affect our friendship. I'll miss you a lot (sniff!!)

Febs - For showing me that actions speaks louder than words and for always calling and the
all credits to you for our retaining friendship. Im so glad you did, thank you!

Vars - For not being judgemental of my actions. For telling me that nothing is impossible and for proving it by being an example yourself. I applaud you and wish you all the best in you ambitions. Keep aiming high, dear!

Ans - You've saw me through my tears during my exams. Consoled me when I got my first backlog and racked your brains teaching me and tolerated all my nonsense and my temper. Also for breaking my bubble when i wud get too ahead of myself. Im eagerly waiting for the D-day.

Ruks - For being my 'combined STUDY partner' and for getting all those delicious tiffins, which I finished mostly(and the dvds!!)

Sorabs - For being my accomplice, for giving fire to all my useless ideas and supporting me in whatever decision I took. Thanks pal!

Prads - For making me feel so comfortable during my first day of work. A little lazy but
always lends a helping hand.

Krats - For showing me that age need not be a hinderance for becoming frenz. But still, I'm elder to you so I do have the rite to boss over you, ok?

Kavs - For always saying 'Ok, good idea! Lets do it'. And getting excited to try out
new things. I do hope you'll soon build up your own confidence, though! All the best with your new job.

These are people with whom i didnt feel the need to show any kind of formalities, some of whom I could call at any time of the day and talk normally even if we hadn't met for months. I cherish our friendship and dont know what i would have done at my most desperate moments if you guys didn't help me out. A million thanks...for keeping me in your lives..

Jul 23, 2008

The SHREK in me

When I saw the movie 'Shrek' the first time, I cried. Because I really felt for the character and cud relate to him and not because im that ugly or scary. There are times when I can drive people away from me and turn into a monster. It used to affect me earlier and I tried putting up this mask of being a very calm person but inside i wud be an erupting volcano.

The reason why Shrek was a social outcast lies in the fact that people had a pre-conceived notion about him and he didn't actually fit the bill of the so-called civilized society. Being scorned from childhood, pricked and poked by 'humans', he lived on his own and his best friend was 'himself' and his beloved place was his 'swamp'. He minded his own business and also indulged at times playing on the fears created about him by scaring humans. And so they stayed away.

It takes an ogre to know the trials and tribulations of another. And so it was. The beautiful Princess Fiona turned into an ogre when the sun set down. This she guarded as a painful secret with her life. But the one thing she wanted to run away from, she finally embraced it for the rest of her life. During various phases of life, our personalities undergo transformations. On the way, we minus things we dont want and add things we feel suit us. We adapt inhibitions, become more poised and we refine the way we talk. In short we out grow our childhood. And this goes on from school to college to work to marriage and on the way, we end up having lost and gained so much.

No matter how much you try, you just can't get rid of certain aspects in life. It keeps raising its ugly head every now and then and we guard it as a secret. Maybe there could come some good from this. As long as Shrek was in his comfort zone, nobody bothered to know him at all. It was only when his swamp was invaded that he took the risk of setting out and reclaim what he had lost. And on the way he got more than he bargained for. Thats when his true colors outshone even the most good looking of human beings.

On the contrary, Princess Fiona waited for the perfect Prince Charming to come and rescue her. And rescued she was, but by this disgustingly ugly ogre. She always dreamt of the perfect ending where finally she marries the Prince and lives happily ever after. To the world she was the most beautiful Princess and if things went right, nobody would know her ugly secret. But that was not meant to be. She had to decide between retaining her beautiful self at the cost of giving up what she really was. Or embracing true happiness by turning into an ogre. She chose the latter. And though it wasn't the perfect picture in front of the society, it felt right all the same.

Also worth mentioning is Donkey, who overcame his fear of Shrek and never left his side. He was different coz he didn't let common sense or worldly knowledge ruin his intelligence. It helps to make a knowledge database of our own, not based on what people say is best or following typical norms. We could actually surprise ourselves with something very special.

Aren't there moments in life when you feel you could really do without some of your personal traits. I DO. I could really do without some of my physical flaws, or momentary anger, or the urge to bang my head against the wall when thing don't go the way I want to, or laze around and make all sorts of excuses for everything wrong in my life. Maybe I cud work on some of them or maybe not.

And aren't there times when you feel like running through the rains, or jumping on a trampoline, playing langdi or seven tiles or cricket like kids, or relish a mango thoroughly without any care for all the juices oozing down your fingers and dress. I just can't remember when I stopped doing all this and why? May be next time I won't quieten the 'Shrek' that awakens my senses and will oblige even if it is at the cost of losing my dignity.

Jul 18, 2008

Women Drivers

Indian men can't stand a woman driving!! There I said it.... and its an Indian truth(coz, I dunno about how it is abroad...) The moment they spot a lady on her vehicle, they have to peer and observe her riding or driving.  For them, its the 8th greatest wonder if a girl rides a bullet or drives a hummer. According to men, women in general just don't have what it takes to be driving a car or riding a bike. No sense of direction, no understanding of the power of the vehicle and no road sense at all. As it is, woman are fighting a war literally everyday to make a place for themselves in all aspects and add to this the woes of travelling on your own vehicle. I thought, it may only happen in smaller cities and towns, till I stayed in Mumbai for some time. The city is the coolest metro with malls, theatres, eateries and good hang-out places in every nook and corner, but finding a woman rider is a rare phenomena there, which is weirdly surprising. And even if a girl does venture out, you won't find her on the main junction roads or flyovers.

One evening, Matt and me were passing the road parallel to Haji Ali. And we saw a girl riding an Activa. All the people turned their heads to watch, and after sometime, some guys on their bikes started honking and hooting. My friend D was also riding along with us, and started honking. It just was so instinctive for them to honk. Like a bunch of monkeys following their chief and  they just kept watching her till she vanished from sight. I was horrified!!  I asked D why he did that. And he said something like 'She shouldn't be riding on a highway, it's not safe with all the big vehicles and traffic', which didn't make sense at all. I mean, who made them the guardians of all the girls on the street.

In Pune, though men are quite tolerant ('coz they don't have a choice), one will usually see them looking at women riders with ridicule and shake their heads as to 'What this world is coming to', when they see a girl speeding through. The comments range from 'see what she is wearing while riding a bike' to 'she can't even balance her handles properly' to 'how can she kick start with those heels'. And then the typical malayali achayans stating, 'pennangal aaittu pogannu pokku kandille'(being girls, see how they are going) or 'Vandi odikyan arriyithille veethil vekaratho?'( If you don't know how to drive, keep your vehicle at home). I know one such achayan who wouldn't buy a 2- wheeler for his daughter. And the reason he cited, 'Oh, girls are always riding so fast now-a-days. Its scary out there.' Yeah rite, boys are the safest and slowest riders ever. Girls are the ones obsessed with speed. 
The worst kinds are the truck and lorry-drivers on connecting routes to the highways.  They get specially excited first of all seeing a girl, and then a girl riding a 2-wheeler, its like 'sone pe suhaaga'. They have to overtake or corner or race a girl on a bike. I have personally faced it so many times. And god-forbid, when you overtake them when they are least expecting, you'll hear an array of colorful words and hand gestures.        

Its like, men just can't accept that a woman can drive on her own without making a mistake. Matt or his friend D have to pass a remark or raise their eyebrows if they can sight one woman driving a big vehicle like a bmw or a benz. Its like their head turns to see the vehicle, then it turns to see the driver and then it turns once more if its a girl, this time much faster. D had a time of his life when he came to Pune. He was so irritated because he couldn't see the faces of the women riding their 2-wheelers as they cover their faces with scarves. And the patience level almost hits ceiling, when they see a woman parking or navigating their cars through heavy traffic. Matt, (an ardent believer that women by large don't know how to drive, sparing a few) will wait and stand at times just to watch how a woman parks her car and says 'Oh, I should go and help her.'

He narrated an incident which happened many years before, when one night a lady was riding a chetak. She came in good speed and hit a speed breaker, after which she lost her balance and instead of trying to control, she left her hands to cover her face and screamed. Well, who says, just because we ride, we should lose our feminity? Women will be women and we'll ride just like how a woman is supposed to. And even if we go flying down after a skid, we'll see that our hair is in place and fall in style. You don't like it?? Too the scooty ad goes "Why should men have all the fun?"

Jul 9, 2008

Keeping pace with my Momsie-in-law

My in-laws are visiting us for 2 weeks. They arrived on Sunday the week before. It is always a delight to have them around the house. They do not waste any time in settling down or taking rest , but start off taking charge of the house hold activities and everything. They are always there to greet me when I reach home, otherwise which is empty, since Matt comes home quite late. The house has lit up so much with lively, animated conversation, laughter, chatty arguments over the silliest things(my mom-in-law and me about whether a certain fruit was an orange or sweet lime), narrating old childhood stories and unlimited food - heavy breakfast, lunch and dinners. Literally everyday, I feel like taking a leave and staying at home.

My mom-in-law is a pure workaholic. She worked as a nurse and is now a house wife in the fullest sense. As a nurse, she had to work many shifts and then manage home with 3 unruly boys who were obviously up to no good. And now she has the set pattern of working 24/7 around the clock. Before coming to visit us, she made around 6 jackfruit halwa - a specialty of Kerala, ground coconut chutney and pineapple jam(let me remind you, these things take a loads of time to prepare and requires constant attention). In the last one week at home, she has made 3 bottles of pickles - lime, garlic and mango, other delicacies like
unni appams and urad wadas. She has prepared enough spices - right from scratch - for me to use for the next 6 months. And all this despite of the fact that I constantly try to stop her from entering the kitchen, at least when I'm at home esp. during weekends. I haven't seen anybody who so gleefully pulls out steamed idlis and sambhar, along with 5 varieties of dishes and curries for lunch at the same time.

I surely cannot keep up with her. She will not sit still for a second. She tends to over do things whether or not she is up to it. But she never forces me to work along side her and asks me to leave her alone and stop fussing her. I feel bad leaving her like that but I've come to realize that it really doesn't make any difference 'coz she is so involved in the process that one can only stand over there as a spectator with nothing to do other than swatting flies. And its so hard to keep your hands off the things she makes and places on the plate. Earlier, I did not take any of the food without the whole process getting over. Now, however, I've just given up and she has to chase me out of the kitchen.

Yes, Ive learned a lot from her methods and she always keeps giving me advice and tips on many things. Looking at her, at times, we keep forgetting that she is old and weak also. She takes all the pains in her stride. Matt told me once, how often he has caught her massaging her legs on her own at night, after a long day's work, without stirring a soul.

It brings tears to my eyes at times when I think of what she has been through. 'Coz of cancer, her right hand has swollen up because the fluids keep collecting up there. She can't wear bangles which every Kerala woman loves, she walks lop-sided and can't climb heights, because her legs ache if she exerts her self. But she still walks speedily, sometimes it looks like she is gonna fall, whenever we go for outings just to keep up with us and not to miss out of all the fun. She hates any kind of sympathy or special treatment. She wants us to treat her like she is normal and fights her way to resume work the way she wants. In the little time , I've known her, she has been a person who has given me ample space to make mistakes. But she does not tolerate my irresponsibility or laziness and points it out then and there.

Its overwhelming what she has shown me - that it takes a lot more than having a beautiful face or body to be a Woman in the true sense. It goes to show that one does not need to compromise on anything just because s/he is sick or just because someone has written us off as weak. We need to be aware of our own capabilities and push its limits. Though not in so many words, she does not claim to be a very great person nor expects any accolades for what she does. She feels she is just being what she was meant to be - A SURVIVOR!!

Jul 4, 2008

And miles to go before I sleep

I'm not a poet nor a very ardent poem fan. But today, I sit peering on to the screen of my blinking computer, and I can't help thinking of this one line, I read way back when I was in school. Robert Frost's 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' is notably one of his famous poems with a deep meaning and significance about life. The last two lines always touch me and reminds me of how much further my life lies ahead. Today is one of those days where I feel, that this is it, I have seen enough and I don't think there is anything else left for me to learn or do. I should just hang up by boots and accept life as it is.

But then, why doesn't it give me any peace or comfort and seem like I'm lying to myself when I say, this is all I can achieve. I wish I knew what my future held( I know that it shouldn't matter) but at times I really do wish I could just take a peek ( like the trailers in Movies), just to get a feel about how its going to be. I know I have someone watching over me, and smiling knowingly as I sit and speculate about this and walk on untrodden paths. He smiles because He knows that no matter how much I wish, it is futile because He is the one in charge. And He sure surprises me each time.

Each day is bringing in something new, and I see the world just flurrying past me. I'm not sure whether I can do it all and nor can I let go . Lessons I thought I learned long back, has now come back haunting. Maybe, after all , I didn't learn too much. I have witnessed new rays of hopes and chances to revive. So many I haven't paid attention to. And just when I thought I'd seen it all, here comes thousands of them beckoning me again. There have been so many things I thought I wasn't capable of but I am, so many things I thought I was capable of but I'm not. These contradictions are overwhelming at times because I cannot get what I want and have really got things I never imagined would ever be mine.

U2 blares in mind a song I used to dance to in my 12th, "But I still haven't found what I'm lookin' for..." Those days I used to dance to to its tunes, but now I've started realizing what the song meant. Life will never be predictable, and we can never say, its over after growing up, or getting a job or after marriage or even after having kids. Because what I mightt think is the END , its always just been a BEGINNING to a new dawn and a new phase in my life.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost

Jun 23, 2008

Words that catch my fancy

Alright, I was browsing the net recently for some interesting websites recently(in order to keep my creativity flowing) and came across some words. So what's so great about that is, I just happened to think how some words, catch your attention and remains in your head the whole day. It just is so fancy that you try to use it in some sentence while speaking and don't even realize that these sentences don't make any sense but you'll use it anyways 'coz you just fancy it's pronunciations so much...

Does this happen only to me? Maybe. It might be part of my weird and wacky mind which goes totally out of control sometimes. So anyways, I thought I'll list down a few words that brings mixed emotions in my mind and a tingling sensation in my stomach. Some are so expressive in it self that just enunciating that word is enough to explain them. No need to add anything else. Check it out...

1. Rhapsody - An instrumental composition irregular in form and suggestive of improvisation. An ecstatic expression of feeling or enthusiasm. 2. Scintillating - Animated; vivacious; effervescent. 3. Enunciate - To utter or pronounce (words, sentences, etc.), esp. in an articulate or a particular manner. 4. Aubergine - No no its not a word with a very deep meaning, it is what we call in India - the Brinjal, also known as eggplant. (The brinjal is a little different in South east Asia compared to other continents. But I like the word Aubergine.)5. Jazz - A style of dance music, popular esp. in the 1920s, arranged for a large band and marked by some of the features of jazz.(I've pronounced this 4 letter word in 4 different types - 'jasss', 'chazz', 'jaaaz' and finally the correct way 'jaz'.)

6. Mystique - A framework of doctrines, ideas, beliefs, or the like, constructed around a person or object, endowing the person or object with enhanced value or profound meaning. 7.Emancipate - To free from restraint, influence, or the like. 8. Radical - Thorough going or extreme, esp. as regards change from accepted or traditional forms. Favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms. eg. A radical change in the policy of a company. 9. Ghastly - Shockingly frightful or dreadful, horrible. 10. Epiphany - A literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight.

11. Balmy
- mild and refreshing; soft; soothing. (I remember coming across this word first time in a Nancy Drew book when I was in the 6th. It really made me sick and my stomach hurt. Till date, whenever I read this word, my stomach hurts. Seriously, I have no logical explanation as to why it happens. Its weird. Such a harmless word. tch tch!!)
12. Saunter, ramble - To walk with a leisurely gait; stroll. eg: Sauntering through the woods. 13. Grotesque - Odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd, bizarre.14. Presumptuous - Impolitely bold.

I can go on and on but I think I should stop. Referring to No.11, wanted to reveal something else. Whenever I write, it makes me very uncomfortable if I haven't dotted the 'i's, the full stops and stroke the 't's properly. When in college or class, if I found I haven't satisfyingly stroke a 't' or dotted the 'i's', I would go back and make it right, thus, being left behind with my notes. It was highly irritating. I still don't know why I did that. Like I said before, W-E-I-R-D-O, that's what I am...

Hey Naisha, Carol why don't you guys try out this exercise, lets see which words catch your fancy...

* Source for the definitions -

Jun 18, 2008

In her shoes

When you see the trailers, it looks like any other 'chick flick' is what one of the reviewer wrote about this movie. (btw, this word 'chick flick' troubles me a lot, I mean any women-oriented movie is called a 'chick flick', what's with that.. then what should we call all those mindless action-packed, gruesome murders and senseless violence displaying movies..? 'leave-your-brains-at-home flick'??) yeah rite!!

Anyways I saw this movie because I wanted to see Toni Collette, her last movie I saw was 'About a boy', which was again an awesome movie. I really wasn't keen to see Cameron Diaz, coz I thought, she might just be a glamor quotient in the movie. Well, wasn't I in for a surprise!!

The story is about 2 sisters, Maggie Feller(Cameron Diaz) and Rose Feller(Toni Collette) who lose their mother at a young age. Maggie is the typical dumb blond who is always drinking, partying and sleeping around with guys all the time anywhere and everywhere. She stays with her father, who lives with his new wife Syndelle. Syndelle is again the typical stepmother who cannot see anything more spectacular than her daughter who she keeps referring to as 'My Marsha'(maybe a cue from the character 'Marcia' in Brady Bunch??)
Maggie comes home one night quite late and drunk. Using this as an excuse, Syndelle kicks her out of home. So Maggie moves in with her sister Rose. Rose, who is a successful lawyer, uses her job as an mask to cover all her insecurities of being over-weight, not having many guys falling for her and that of not being quite stylish nor fashionable. She also has a great collection of stylish and expensive shoes which she never wears but has a cupboard full of it.

The story then moves ahead with the sisters having a fallout and finding out about their grandmother, Ella (Shirley MacLaine) who they think is dead. Shirley MacLaine is simply outstanding in her role of a non-emotional lady, coping with the sudden arrival of family once again in her life. All the three ladies cope with the lose of their loved one, the girl's mother and Ella's daughter.

Maggie who has dyslexia takes up a job as a helper in a hospital and finds a blind old man, a retired professor. He asks her to read to him which she refuses. But he doesn't give up on her and patiently makes her read the book. She discovers her true talent of being a good fashion stylist for people.

Rose quits her high-profile job and takes up on dog-walking to find the simple intricacies of life. Betrayed and having lost all hope, she finds herself in love again from someone she least expected and finally decides to wear her shoes.

Ella realizes that life has given her a second chance. She overcomes her guilt of having abandoned her granddaughters. She begins to embrace life with a new found love and taking part actively in the girls' well being.

The last part of the movie shows Rose getting married. Maggie asks her sister to let her pick out the dress as she would know what suits her best.

Why I liked the movie? Well, because it was honest and brutal to some extent. There are certain things in life that does not fade with time - Your responsibilities, your fears, your inabilities. You may go on in life, but these things if not dealt with comes back haunting you. This movie also speaks about how important being honest to oneself is... So this is again a must watch...

Jun 17, 2008

Moderately average

In life, we are always surrounded by go-getters, super-achievers and goal-seekers. But not everyone can become No.1. So how do we deal with failure or rather being the No.2 or No.10? Isn't it easy to just give up, pack your backs and go home. Some of us aren't even running the race coz they want to take life as it comes. But hasn't there been at least one moment in everyone's life where we wish we could trade all this with the No.1 person's life? Forget all logic of 'no one is perfect, there is surely something wrong somewhere with his/her lives'.. But for outsiders he/she might always be the one person who has it all. Everyone wants to live that one moment - not that life - but a few moments of basking in the glory sheer success and riches. To be the subject of somebody's envy, somebody's admiration and somebody's motivation...

In the end of it all, I really do wonder what gives these people the almost-god-like persona. Is it leadership? But when all people are equally qualified and taught to be leaders in the same environment, what cuts them above from everyone else? Who are leaders? Leadership quality requires to give direction as well as execution of tasks. So are these qualities inborn or taught? Some are born to be leaders, its in their blood, while some learn. The effectiveness of a leader depends on results and execution of plans. Or does it? A leader makes mistakes but should learn from them and move on. All this is easier said than done. No, success is surely a combination of many other factors along with being a leader. It takes the 3 D's - determination, dedication and discipline. Its not so important to be a leader to a team of people but being a leader of your own self is a challenge in itself. It means to have a control over all your urges to divert from your goal and to change paths. It means bringing your mind and body to push harder against all hurdles and achieve your goals. We need to set standards for our own selves and not give up. This is the only way the written-off, moderately average can become achievers - if not for anyone else atleast for your own self...

Jun 2, 2008

Women!! Oh Woman

I usually watch 'Lounge' by Rajat Kapur on NDTV. I really like the way he conducts the talk. He never talks too much and never rushes his guests and he genuinely listens to them without any pretense. He is a fresh air to the usual talk shows where only the host keeps blabbering all the time. So this time the topic of discussion was on how close -knit a family is in India, where kids and parents are too attached. There was this lady who spent all her life looking after her kids and when they left, she was devastated. I was very shocked when she said, 'My whole definition of a family was my kids, and now they have left, what do I have to live for?'. And it made me realize isn't this what happens to most of the mothers whose world revolves around her kids. And so I just thought to jot down a woman's journey the way I see around me.

Man and wife are meant to be one after marriage, but what happens when they begin to talk alike, dress alike and in a weird way - even look alike. Is it possible? Sadly, yes. Well, its a matter of perception.

One initially finds it really sweet and romantic, when you have a partner who finishes your sentences, knows what your thinking at a single gaze. Believe me it would be a fantasy come true for every married person, be it a woman or a man. Then an element of predictability creeps in, which can be a tad annoying! Have you ever been out for dinner with a newly wed couple? Oh its a sight to watch, the guy is always at her beck and call, the girl is all blushing and smiling and they are always holding hands... Meet them 8 months down the line, well all these aspects still remain, but none seem to genuine in their effort!

Ok these are just the physical aspects, there are some very crucial facts here, though. As humans we are emotional, esp. women. When we are in love, we think there is absolutely nothing in this world that could make us more happy than loving our partner each day, fulfilling his each desire and looking the best for him. In this time, all the other things that once held the top-most priority in you life, diminishes to the background. Your friends, work or studies, passions and hobbies you pursued et al. And gradually before you know, you start to lose your individuality. And then one day when its all settled in, for some, your relationship hits a normalcy period and you actually realize, 'hey there is more to life than this!'

But for some others, they go ahead and have kids, and then there is no time to reclaim your lost self. And as being a woman, we take care of our babies! Coz that is what we are supposed to do, rite? Then what happens, we all know. When they are babies they cling to us, but once they start learning to walk, Im sure every mother cries a bit, realizing they wont be that dependant now!

And the process continues as kids go to school, college and one day leaves home! There begins a whole new phase of pangs of longing for our kids, long lost self discovery, guilt of having abandoned ourselves for so long.

As women of the new generation, we know how hard it was for our parents to let go of us. The number of fights, arguments and moments of rebellion and it continues even after you are married. They are our parents, they expect us to listen to them, and rightly so!

It is very important for each partner to maintain their individuality after marriage. Coz, seriously, there is MORE to life... And its more of a matter of being real to yourself. Women play many roles in life - being a daughter, a wife , a mother. And society feels these are the important roles we need to play. But luckily, for our generation, we have chances to be more than these 3 roles. We work, we are ambitious and we lead a life where no body can question our 'Roles'. We are seen more than just mothers and wives. Today we have it all.

But still many of us just give it up. Well, again its a matter of choice. It all comes down to one thing, we need to learn to be HAPPY in whatever situation we are. However, its easier said than done....

May 23, 2008

One of those Days!!

Its one of those days, when I just want to go back to sleep in my bed. I don't wanna go to work and sit in those dull green walled cabins again(that color just gets to me!!.) and glare into the computer blue screen. Its one of those days when I look into the mirror and see my fat belly and out of shaped body, and no matter what clothes I wear, it makes me look above 30. Add to it a bad hair day - no matter how I comb it, it takes a shape of its own. I set to make it look like as free flowing as a la Jennifer Aniston, and it turns out to be a soggy ran-through-rain-and-bushes 'free flowing' types. Its one of those days where I mentally make the 55th personal note in my head that 'I seriously need to take of myself more! No one else is gonna do that for me...' and am totally charged to visit a good hair salon by the weekend( which I know won't happen because my lazy fat ass won't budge either from bed or from the couch watching TV).

Its one of those days when coffee tastes bitter and the toast is burned and I don't feel like eating that anymore. One of those days when Matt steers clear out of my path and knows better than to dare say anything. Its one of those days where I lose track of time and reach office 20 minutes late, and people don't even realize it. Well, so much for my popularity!! "Thanks guys, I feel so appreciated and wanted!!..."

Its one of those days that I'm so pissed with work and wondering how did I ever get here!! Quickly send out my updated resume to 2 of my friends, who have been asking me to do so since past one month. (Not that it will get me any brownie points!!) Its only half past 12 and I'm dying of hunger but have to wait till 1pm.

It one of those days, when my internet is so damn slow and the system has automatically shut down at least twice. The 'Admin' guy is not online and has probably decided he doesn't want to get out of his bed and stuck to his decision, unlike me or has swallowed the magic potion to turn invisible. Its one of those days where the A/C has been set to the minimum and my fingers have become like a witch's claws and got my teeth clattering away to glory.

Mental Note no 56th: Please do not, at any cost wear a sleeveless , unless you have a stole or a jacket that 'goes' with your sleeveless top but not at the cost of you looking like a fashion disaster. As it is you know how you look..refer to Note no. 55...

And finally, its one of those days when I've written 'one of those days' I don't know how many times by now and I've listened to Freddie singing 'I want to break free' about 15 times and stopping the urge to sing out that song and swing to its music. So I'm gonna write it as I sing in my mind as the song plays once again

The interlude (the piano, the drums)
pa pa paaaaa pa -paaaam
di ti di ti di ti (dish) di ti di ti titaa (dish)

I want to break free,
I want to break freeeeeeee,
I want to break free from your lies, your so sssself-satisssfieeeed, I dont neeeeeeeeeed youuuuu,
I gottt ta break freeeeeeeee... Gawd knowwwwws,
Gawd knows i wanna bre-aaaak fre-eeeeeeeee

Ive fallen in lu-huv
Ive fallen in love for the first time 'n this time I know its for reeeeeeaaaall,
Ive fallen in lu-huvvv, (yeah)
Gaad knows, Gaaad knows
Ive fallen in luv-ha hah hah hav

Its strrrange but its true, (eh yeah)
I cant get ovvvver the way, you love me like you do
But I havv to be sure,
When I walk out that doorrrr,
Ohh how I want to be free,(be be)
Oh how I want to be free
OOhhhhh how I want to break free!!!

pa pa pa paaaam, ppaaa (electic guitar)

di ti di ti di ti (dish) di ti di ti titaa (dish)
dish , dish , dish, tich tich tich, (dish) --- drum beats ok!

But life still goeeees o-honn,
I still cant get used to livin' without livin' without, livin' without yyouu
By my siiii-hide,
I dun want to live alone, (hey)
Gawdd knowwwwwws, gottto make it on my owwwwwwn
So baby cant you see-eeee
Ive gottto brrrrreak free

Ive gottttttttto brrrrreak free-eeeee,
I wannnnttto brrreeeeeeak free (yeah)
I wun, I wann, I wannnn, I waaaannnntt to brrrrrrreak free-eeee-eeee-eee....

di ti di ti di ti (dish) di ti di ti titaa (dish)

May 22, 2008

It rains, it pours!!

Finally, its raining... All around me people are leaving their desks and standing outside to watch the rains. Its looking so beautiful, the pitter-patter rain drops. Everyone has become so excited and half-hearted to go get wet. Its awesome!!!

I love the rains, well at least I love to watch rains and maybe sometimes play in it. How I wish, i cud go and stand in the rain.
But after that I wanna a hot cuppa coffee, a book - a light read, a blanket and my chair. And I wanna be left alone and not disturbed. WHEN CAN I DO THAT?? (They should really give a holiday when it rains...)

May 20, 2008

When the lights went off

I was watching a show on television at 9.00 pm one of the weekdays and I was so engrossed, when suddenly the lights went off. I was raging mad, cursing whosoever were responsible for this at the electricity board. So nothing else to do, I switched on the back-up lights and went out to my terrace, looking at the constant flow of traffic. It was crazy. There was total blackout for just maybe 2 minutes and all the buildings were lit again with emergency lights and back-ups. Made me think about how fast our lives have advanced. How soon we changed from the days of candle lights to inverters and emergency lamps. And as I let my mind wander into the past, some memories came flooding back of my childhood.

Since both my parents were working in the govt. service, we have gone to some places on transfers. And those days we were staying in a small town called 'Devlali' in Nashik. A beautiful place with amazing weather, light outs were part of our routine. We lived in the government quarters, and the lights would go for 3 to 4 hours some times, and there wasn't any particular day or time for the black outs. However, light outs didn't create such a panic like it does now-a-days.

It gave a perfect reason for all the neighbors to come out and sit on the 'verandahs' (front porch). And we kids got together to narrate ghost stories. My sister and me loved to make different hand shaped shadows on the wall.

Those were the days when TV meant Doordarshan. We had no idea of cable TV which came 2 to 3 years later. And when the lights did come, it was a great moments of victory cheers, whistling and clapping.

I remember one event when I was in the second grade and the lights had gone. I was really getting on to everybody's nerve at home, asking them when the lights will come, because I wanted to see a programme on TV. My sister told me to shut up, my Mom was trying her level best to keep me still in one place but I had my own agenda. I was running around the house in circles, when suddenly I banged into the leg of the dining table and went 'thud' on the floor. I could see my parents running here and there for bandages and antiseptic creams. And I was screaming on top of my voice, more so because of the shock of falling than the hurt.

I was so cranky and in order to pacify me my Papa said he's going to show me a magic trick. He told me that if I counted from 1 to 100, lights will come back. Well, I started counting from 1 to 100, but no lights. So he said 'Count again backwards now'. And so I ended counting back and forth maybe about 3-4 times, ( it seemed a lot back then, but I thought if I didn't we would be in darkness for ever). The lights did come and that too 2 minutes before the programme started. But I was fast asleep by then and my parents didn't want to wake me up. I wonder why?

I tried to pull the 'magic trick' on my niece recently( who my sister claims has completely got all my childhood traits and qualities). So she started the counting, but before she crossed her 70th count, the lights came back. And now she is too smart to fall for it again. So I guess, I'll never be able to play this 'trick' effectively like my father did any more!! (Unless of course, there is a whole evening and night of light outs. Pray, it never ever happens.)

May 15, 2008

Great Expectations

This was a seriously funny read... I wonder aren't we all like this at times. We know what we 'want' from our life partner but do we stop to think whether we deserve it? And if yes, on what basis and what are we willing to give in return? Are we willing to change our lives and attitudes? Life was never meant to be a 'One-way-street'... Read on...

(Taken from the site

What am I doing wrong?

Okay, I'm tired of beating around the bush. I'm a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25 year old girl. I'm articulate and classy. I'm not from New York . I'm looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don't think I'm overreaching at all.

Are there any guys who make 500K or more on this board? Any wives? Could you send me some tips? I dated a business man who makes average around 200 - 250. But that's where I seem to hit a roadblock. 250,000 won't get me to central park west. I know a woman in my yoga class who was married to an investment banker and lives in Tribeca, and she's not as pretty as I am, nor is she a great genius. So what is she doing right? How do I get to her level?

Here are my questions specifically:

- Where do you single rich men hang out? Give me specifics- bars, restaurants, gyms

-What are you looking for in a mate? Be honest guys, you won't hurt my feelings

-Is there an age range I should be targeting (I'm 25)?

- Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the upper east side so plain? I've seen really 'plain jane' boring types who have nothing to offer married to incredibly wealthy guys. I've seen drop dead gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east village. What's the story there?

- Jobs I should look out for? Everyone knows - lawyer, investment banker, doctor. How much do those guys really make? And where do they hang out? Where do the hedge fund guys hang out?

- How you decide marriage vs. just a girlfriend? I am looking for MARRIAGE ONLY

Please hold your insults - I'm putting myself out there in an honest way. Most beautiful women are superficial; at least I'm being up front about it. I wouldn't be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn't able to match them - in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a nice home and hearth.

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 432279810

Dear Pers-431649184:

I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully about your dilemma. I offer the following analysis of your predicament.
Firstly, I'm not wasting your time, I qualify as a guy who fits your bill; that is I make more than $500K per year. That said here's how I see it.

Your offer, from the prospective of a guy like me, is plain and simple a crappy business deal. Here's why. Cutting through all the B.S., what you suggest is a simple trade: you bring your looks to the party and I bring my money. Fine, simple. But here's the rub, your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into perpetuity…in fact, it is very likely that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty that you won't be getting any more beautiful!

So, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning asset. Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates! Let me explain, you're 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins in earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!

So in Wall Street terms, we would call you a trading position, not a buy and hold…hence the rub…marriage. It doesn't make good business sense to "buy you" (which is what you're asking) so I'd rather lease. In case you think I'm being cruel, I would say the following. If my money were to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades I need an out. It's as simple as that. So a deal that makes sense is dating, not marriage.

Separately, I was taught early in my career about efficient markets. So, I wonder why a girl as "articulate, classy and spectacularly beautiful"
as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy. I find it hard to believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K hasn't found you, if not only for a tryout.

By the way, you could always find a way to make your own money and then we wouldn't need to have this difficult conversation.

With all that said, I must say you're going about it the right way.
Classic "pump and dump."
I hope this is helpful, and if you want to enter into some sort of lease, let me know.

May 14, 2008

7 questions to finding you true Passion

I found this interesting article with these real hard questions. So I'm putting them up to find the answers. Want Naiesha and Carol to answer them.

These questions are taken from Frederic Premji's article

According to a recent survey, about 75% of the population do not know what their true passion is. Clearly, almost everyone seems to not be doing what they were meant to do. This is an eye-opener because doing what we really love is absolutely necessary if we want to be fully happy. Perhaps this is why there is so much unhappiness going on in our society, people just aren’t doing what they are here on Earth for. Finding your true passion isn’t as simple as it may seem. For some, yes it does come naturally, but most of the time, you have to ask yourself some questions to pinpoint exactly what you were born to do. Here are my 7 questions that can guide you to finding your ultimate passion:

1. What puts a smile on your face?

2. What do you find easy?

3. What sparks your creativity?

4. What would you do for free?

5. What do you like to talk about?

6. What makes you unafraid of failure?

7. What would you regret not having tried?

Well, waiting to read your answers....

May 13, 2008

Step Mom - The Movie

Okay, which is the one movie I can watch over more than 30 times - it is 'Step Mom'. It is one movie with all my favorite actors, Susan Sarandon( her best role ever), Ed Harris ( another very underrated actor in hollywood) and of course Julia Roberts. I have cried buckets of tears with laughter and emotion almost all the time I watch it. The best Women spirited movie ever. I'm yet to see another movie that has portrayed wide range of conflicted roles of a Woman.

A head-strong, potential ace fashion photographer Isabel Kelly(Julia Roberts) trying to prove herself to boyfriend, Luke's (Ed Harris) family. A disarrayed ex-wife Jackie(Susan Sarandon) coming in terms with a failed marriage and her illness. A teenager Anna, played by the pretty Jena Malone, watching her father's affection for a stranger other than her Mom, who she wants to hate but finds herself drawn to her. Their conflicts with finding a meaning for their lives are so evident and heart wrenching.
Also in the movie is the sweet heart Ben, played by Liam Aikan (anybody's watched 'Judging Amy' on Hallmark? Check out the grown-up, handsome Aikan!!)

The best moments in the movie...well there are so many but I'll jot down my favorite in random order:

* The scene where Ed Harris proposes to Julia...( which woman wouldn't want to be proposed that way!!)

* Ben makes chocolate milk for Isabel and puts some sleeping pills. Isabel goes off to sleep reading a bed-time story to Ben, and Ben thinks he's killed Isabel. Check his victory dance, he's so cute!!

* When Isabel teaches Anna a painting technique with a 'whosh', 'whosh' lip sound.

* Isabel goes to pick up Ben from a birthday party and loses her map and calls up for help to locate the house.

* Susan Sarandon's reaction when the doctor breaks to her about her cancer diagnosis.

* The Marvin Gaye/Tammi Terrell song, "Ain't no mountain" in the car with Isabel, Anna and Ben, and Isabel passes the lipstick to Anna.

* The same song and dance by Jackie, Anna and Ben at home.

* When Ben falls in the park watch Jackie and Isabel looking after him in the hospital.

* Isabel and Jackie's conversation about Anna's wedding day. Isabel's fear is that 20 years later when Anna is getting ready for her marriage, Anna might say "Wish Mom was here!" and Jackie fears she might not say that. (I cried my heart out!!)

* Jackie and Anna's horse ride in the moon-lit night.

* When Isabel decides to quit her job and decides to look after Jackie and the kids.

* When Jackie wants to tell Luke about her diagnosis and Luke tells her about his desire to propose to Isabel. (Susan is so expressive without saying a word)

* Christmas Day: The kids talk with Jackie.
Ben's delight at getting a dove.

I must have watched this movie so many times that I could remember most of the dialogues too, till recently. But that won't stop me from watching it again and recommending everyone around me to watch it. It is a movie every mother and daughter, every sisters and every close friends must watch. I want to dedicate this blog for all those ladies who have made sacrifices for their families, battled cancer and for being the person they are.

It was Mother's day on Sunday!!! Here is to my Mom, who at times, single-handedly managed to look after us, cook food for us and also managed a successful career. Here is to my Mom-in-law, who brought up 3 sons (making them such gentlemen), managed her career as a Nurse, survived breast cancer and lives each day as if there is no tomorrow.

Ladies take a bow, you have inspired me, my sister, my husband, brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws and we salute you!

Video - Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Step Mom Song - Under Pressure

May 12, 2008


1.Grab the book nearest to you, turn on page 18 and find line 4:
Looking for a luck!!

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can:
Touched the wall with pale green paint to my right, and touched my colleague at my left( who is giving me strange looks and maybe wondering whats wrong with me)...

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
A movie...dunno which....I was just looking at a very good looking guy..... I think it was a french movie....then I dozed off...

4. Without looking, guess what time it is?
3.30 pm

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
oooh just missed by 5 minute...3.35 pm

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
'Amor, Amor' by Gypsy Kings on my ipod. Somebody is banging their keyboard and someone is rustling a plastic.

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
In the afternoon, having lunch alone at a cafe (sniff!!)

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
Looking at this site, awesome mehndi...

9. What are you wearing?
A Kurta and jeans with big earring loops!!

10. Did you dream last night?
I think I did, and I know it wasn't a good one, coz I got up grumpy in the morning...

11. When did you last laugh?
My school friend called me on Friday....we were laughing and giggling silly...

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Nothing just a pale green paint.....and a glass partition looking to a conference room.

13. Seen anything weird lately?
Yeah...a lot of weird people

14. What do you think of this quiz?

15. What is the last film you saw?
"Michael Clayton" by George Clooney

16. If you became a multimillionaire overnight, what would you buy?
Pay off my house loan and take my parents for a trip across the world. Get a customized RX20 yamaha bike for my hubby. Get some of the brands I usually ogle at when I pass through their shops in Bombay - Mango, Gucci, Jimmy Choos, Prada and Satya Paul. I would go for a real expensive vacation to Singapore, Vienna, Italy, Germany and all the places I want to go and shop till I drop....

17. Tell me something about you that I dunno.
I can pretend to be listening to somebody when actually my mind is elsewhere.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Ban smoking in this country and promote awareness about the red light street kids...

19. Do you like to dance? Yes I like to dance, but it ends there I cant dance...

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
I had few names in mind, but they are all Hazel(my sister's younger one is Aysel),
Vivian (taken by another church member) I've come up with new names, and not willing to risk it being taken again...I have one name though...Marlene...

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
I had Joiash(taken by a cousin), Adrian (any takers?)

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Maybe for a short period of time....say like 10 to 15 years....not more than that, would miss my country and my people..

24.What do you want GOD to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
"So, you made it, eh!!"

25. 4 people who must also do this meme in their journal
Matt, Didar and some others but they don't have blogs...

Hosting a Dinner

Hats off to people who host huge dinners!! When I used to watch Travel and Living's show, 'Nigella Feasts' and the dinners she hosts, I couldn't help asking myself as to how she she manages to be so calm and look as lovely as ever all the time. Be it shopping, cooking, baking and setting out the dinner table, not a strand of hair is out of place And she always comes up with the most deliciously looking fare. Seriously, it is a lot of work!!

This weekend, I set to host a dinner for 8. This wasn't the first time I was doing it. I've had my office colleagues , friends and family over for dinner for Christmas and a few times before that. And thanks to the number of recipe books that keep stacking up in my kitchen drawer, I haven't faced a disaster yet. (touch wood!) But all this doesn't defy the fact that each time I invite somebody for dinner - be it 2 or 20 people - it freaks me out. Listing out the menu, shopping, the time to prepare, and also thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong - it is a lot of stress.

We had relatives coming in from Kerala. Obviously, the menu had to be a South Indian cuisine.
So I started my search for the perfect recipe and the perfect menu. Thats when I came across a cook book my cousin had given me, by Mrs. K.M. Mathew. (Ok, I'm sure all those Keralites who are on a constant look out for authentic Kerala cuisine have come across at least one of K.M Mathew's recipies. She was the chief editor of the popular Kerala magazine, 'Vanitha'. ) So the book in hand, I started off my quest to make a good Kerala dinner. It took almost the whole of my saturday and half of my sunday, which I generally use to catch up with my sleep, lazing around doing nothing and watching TV or a dinner out with hubby dearest or friends.So here I was slogging away on a hot summer afternoon, grating the coconuts, cutting the vegetables, washing the meat, flipping the pages of my cook book and what not. As a result of it all - VIOLA!! The fish was fried, the mutton was marinated and prepared, the curries were cooked and the vegetables were done(of course, my husband who tried his level best to get away from all the work helped too).

The guests finally arrived, table was set, the best crockery laid down and the food was served.
And guess who was all smiles and flying high and doing the rounds as if it was nothing, when all the guests went ga-ga over the food and kept showering compliments and praises? Now, honestly, this is the moment which may last for only a few minutes, and the ONLY reason I endure to host dinners even if it means a day of toil and hard work. It feels GREAT!!! I would love to be the person who calls people home for dinner all the time, holds a good conversation during dinner, shows off her culinary skills and makes people talk for weeks about the dinner. And I know people who do that. They have such a passion for food and love to share it with others. You always enjoy going to their place. I have a friend who is a Punjabi and any time you go to his house, his Mom makes sure to give lunch or dinner. Aunty's parathas are to die for and so are her pulav and rajma chaaval. Above all, its the sense of feeling-at-home that makes us wanting to visit them again and again. So I realized, more than being the 'hard-working-Marthas' in the kitchen, there is more to entertaining guests at home...

Coming back, our guests left and I hung up my knives and forks and and asked my husband to salute the 'chef' in the house and sat down to relax. But a look at my kitchen sink made me scream in hysteria. And to my rescue, came my Prince Charming(minus the white horse), with the offer to help me with the dishes, which I couldn't resist! Finally the last plate was put off, the sink was cleaned and we hit the sack, way past midnight. And so there went by yet another weekend! And yes, we are expecting some more guests next week... What to do the compliments are too tempting to resist...heh heh heh!!

May 9, 2008

Bob Marley's - Three little birds

"Rise up this mornin',
Smiled with the risin' sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin', 'This is my message to you-ou-ou'....."

I first heard these lyrics quite by accident. As usual, on a cloudy weekend, sitting bored and browsing through YouTube, I came across this video. Didn't give much thought to it until it started playing. It started with catchy drum beats and then I just drifted away with the song. No no.. I wasn't high or anything...not even close. But the way he sings it was very magical.

"Singin', 'Don't worry 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.'
Singin', 'Don't worry (don't worry) 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!' "

Every time I'm down, I listen to this song and it lightens me up so much. It gives hope and a courage to do what I feel. What his music and songs means to me is to break away from all the little shackles we have tied ourselves into, the stereotypes, the impressions and pretense. Forget what the world thinks of you and dance to your own tunes. To think beyond ourselves and every little thing is gonna be alright. The simplicity of Bob Marley's song and everything he stood for is admirable. He was a revolutionary of kinds and a legend. Some of the other songs I like are 'Stir it up' and 'I shot the Sheriff'.

Sweet simple joys

This is my first blog. I've been thinking about what to write. Seeing other blogs I feel like "Ooh, I should write on something spectacular and awe striking!!" But honestly I don't have a clue of anything unusual. In fact, there has been many sweet simple joyous moments in my life( something I never noticed). And now I realize it how lucky I am to have it...

I love mornings. No not the part where I have to get up, but when the early rising sun streams into my bedroom, when sometimes my sweet hubby offers to get me a cup of tea. When I get to read the newspaper in my balcony with a fresh whiff of unpolluted air. And of course, when I can laze around in bed and don't have to go to work!!

I remember the constant wake up calls of my parents, literally at their nerves end, trying to get me out of bed. Especially during exams, my papa never got his 40 winks but I slept like a log. My aunt ( who stayed next door) used to bring me a cup of hot black coffee sharp at 5.00 am just before she went for her walks. Then again at 6.00 my Mom got up to make my favorite 'adrak chai'. I remember having my tea on a particular step in the back yard. I sat there enjoying the morning sky and my cat nuzzling near my leg( we had some cats who grew around the society, the last sip of my tea belonged to him). Then heavy breakfast followed after an hour( which we could not avoid under my Mom's stern gaze). Today, I skip breakfast so many times or end up eating cornflakes or oats( due to lack of time or sheer laziness of preparing it). When I look back and think of the times I used to fight with my Mom for pushing the breakfast down my throat.. Oh really miss those days!!

I come from a large family. Though I have just one sibling, on birthdays and special occasions, our houses are full of aunties, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews(some years back even grandparents). Distance or close relatives, there is always a huge pack of kids. And its wonderful seeing them jump around as if they have springs attached to their legs. It reminds me of the days gone by when my cousins and me used to be jumping around like them. We had are own games and secrets, no elders allowed rules, making up stories, going on 'adventure trips' around the world on a imaginary ships within the safety of our parents' scooter or staircase or front porch.

Summers meant playing in hot sun, night-outs with cousins, drinking water from our aunty's fridge (which she meticulously kept filling in bottles and kept chasing us out of the house), waiting for the 'ice-cream walla' for the then famous 'pepsicola'(sweetened, crushed ice stuffed in small pencil shaped plastic covers), 'kulfis' and 'golas'. The NextGen, however, seems to be a much composed and matured bunch compared to the notoriety of their predecessors. They are more into dance, painting classes and have busier schedules than the elders.

Baking a cake :
Whenever I pass through a bakery, I am so tempted to eat a pastry. Baking a cake is an art. No I'm not talking about those off-the-supermarket-shelf-ready-made cake mixes. I prefer the more traditional method of right-from-scratch cake bakings. Watching the chefs baking breads and cakes on the cookery shows, one feels its more simpler than making an omelet. I know the day I was proven wrong. But thankfully, I never gave it up, unlike other things.

Baking cakes with Mom meant waking up early morning during a weekend or the christmas holidays. Mom hurriedly gave us breakfast and Papa would be rushing to the store to buy all the ingredients. Kitchen would be filled with flour, egg shells, the bajaj oven heating up at a corner. Mom patiently sieving the flour and the baking soda and my sister and me stealthily putting the cherries, raisins and tutty fruitties in our mouths. Those days of Christmas , we easily baked up to 10 to 15 cakes for neighbors, relatives, friends and guests. Now-a-days, though nobody has so much time and effort to do it, what with excellent cakes available in the shops. However, after marriage, I try to bake some cakes for every Christmas(It has been only 2 Christmases). And I enjoy each time my cakes come out with a fully risen, unbroken crust. Its rewarding to see my labor of pain being cut down to pieces before it even cools. Its an achievement in itself.