Jul 23, 2008

The SHREK in me

When I saw the movie 'Shrek' the first time, I cried. Because I really felt for the character and cud relate to him and not because im that ugly or scary. There are times when I can drive people away from me and turn into a monster. It used to affect me earlier and I tried putting up this mask of being a very calm person but inside i wud be an erupting volcano.

The reason why Shrek was a social outcast lies in the fact that people had a pre-conceived notion about him and he didn't actually fit the bill of the so-called civilized society. Being scorned from childhood, pricked and poked by 'humans', he lived on his own and his best friend was 'himself' and his beloved place was his 'swamp'. He minded his own business and also indulged at times playing on the fears created about him by scaring humans. And so they stayed away.

It takes an ogre to know the trials and tribulations of another. And so it was. The beautiful Princess Fiona turned into an ogre when the sun set down. This she guarded as a painful secret with her life. But the one thing she wanted to run away from, she finally embraced it for the rest of her life. During various phases of life, our personalities undergo transformations. On the way, we minus things we dont want and add things we feel suit us. We adapt inhibitions, become more poised and we refine the way we talk. In short we out grow our childhood. And this goes on from school to college to work to marriage and on the way, we end up having lost and gained so much.

No matter how much you try, you just can't get rid of certain aspects in life. It keeps raising its ugly head every now and then and we guard it as a secret. Maybe there could come some good from this. As long as Shrek was in his comfort zone, nobody bothered to know him at all. It was only when his swamp was invaded that he took the risk of setting out and reclaim what he had lost. And on the way he got more than he bargained for. Thats when his true colors outshone even the most good looking of human beings.

On the contrary, Princess Fiona waited for the perfect Prince Charming to come and rescue her. And rescued she was, but by this disgustingly ugly ogre. She always dreamt of the perfect ending where finally she marries the Prince and lives happily ever after. To the world she was the most beautiful Princess and if things went right, nobody would know her ugly secret. But that was not meant to be. She had to decide between retaining her beautiful self at the cost of giving up what she really was. Or embracing true happiness by turning into an ogre. She chose the latter. And though it wasn't the perfect picture in front of the society, it felt right all the same.

Also worth mentioning is Donkey, who overcame his fear of Shrek and never left his side. He was different coz he didn't let common sense or worldly knowledge ruin his intelligence. It helps to make a knowledge database of our own, not based on what people say is best or following typical norms. We could actually surprise ourselves with something very special.

Aren't there moments in life when you feel you could really do without some of your personal traits. I DO. I could really do without some of my physical flaws, or momentary anger, or the urge to bang my head against the wall when thing don't go the way I want to, or laze around and make all sorts of excuses for everything wrong in my life. Maybe I cud work on some of them or maybe not.

And aren't there times when you feel like running through the rains, or jumping on a trampoline, playing langdi or seven tiles or cricket like kids, or relish a mango thoroughly without any care for all the juices oozing down your fingers and dress. I just can't remember when I stopped doing all this and why? May be next time I won't quieten the 'Shrek' that awakens my senses and will oblige even if it is at the cost of losing my dignity.


Caroline Kaunds said...

hmmm i do remember the shrek in u.. haha...nice post girl...someone is being regular in posting uh.. good good..

Ancy said...

hehh heh, nah, i saw Shrek yest...so the post...

Naiesha said...

Loved reading this post...very candid and yet heart touching.....I think many a times we let people (read society) dictate our behaviour and in the end we find ourselves so unhappy...Go have fun and don't bother what people think about you coz they are busy thinking what you are thinking about them :)

I love Shrek, especially the Donkey....a faithful friend at all times....

Ancy said...

thanks doc, yeah we need to able to decide wht makes US happy rather than wht makes others happy...

p.s: how u doing, seem quite busy now-a-days...missing the blogger

Naiesha said...

Hi Ancy m doing fine...Yeah been very busy the last few days...Had some assignments to finish....How was ur trek?? Hope u had refreshing time with your friends...It will be a while till I become regular.....

mathew said...

Shrek is an absolute favourite of mine too..Need to watch it again..it has been long..thanks for taking it through again in words..

Unknown said...

Shrek loves Princess Fiona forever and ever

Ancy said...

@mathew1 : ur welcome...its one movie worth watching again after a long gap...

@mathew2 : yeah yeah, Princess Fiona too loves Shrek, as she gave up her beauty for him... ;)LOL

Ancy said...

@docnash :hey dear,the trip was awesome!! but i fell sick after that so it wasn't refreshing as i thght it wud be... :(

kochuthresiamma p .j said...

lovely post! liked ur critiquing.u make me want to see the movie- i usually keep away from such films depite the hype.

Ancy said...

@kochuthresiamma p.j : hey thnks for stopping by...and wow, thats nice!! u must watch the movie...

Tedy Kanjirathinkal said...

wow! Never had I thought about all those things you analyzed about Shrek!

hmm... I guess I've got to watch all the three from a different angle, once more :-)

nice read, and splendid interpretations, Ancy!

Ancy said...

@tedy : hey thanks, im a movie buff, so the interpretations... heh heh! but i liked only the first part of Shrek

Anonymous said...

"And aren't there times when you feel like running through the rains, or jumping on a trampoline, playing langdi or seven tiles or cricket like kids, or relish a mango thoroughly without any care for all the juices oozing down your fingers and dress. I just can't remember when I stopped doing all this and why?"

Yeah, so many people give up themselves , actually for no reason at all. They somehow come to feel that their individuality is not appreciated, and so, maybe, they try to change it. But then it is after you change it, that you miss it the most, and in someplace you cannot regain your self anymore. Such a disturbing truth, and it happens to every single person.

PS: Shrek+Stuff like this='Hit' Post, n sorry for the long comment..

Ancy said...

@ nitin: Hey thanks for the input and compliment, appreciate it!