Sep 10, 2008

New job comes calling!

I've been missing the blog scenario for quite some time now! I found that I have so much to catch up on. So many blogs to read, so many people to connect with. So if anyone 'is' curious as to why I was away for so long, the reason is this - had been buried with work load, was looking out for a new job, got a new job when I was least expecting it to happen and in the midst of it all, didn't get the time for my recent favorite activity!

So here I was one day at work and found myself without any work! Went into a spiralling thought process about my career and life. Spoke to my colleague(past college mate) about the quality of work. Of course, he had better things to do in life than share my reminiscing thoughts. Then I knew it was time to look out for something new. But hey, when you want something so bad, it's never gonna happen rite? So I waited and waited but nothing good turned up.

As usual work was just getting mediocre. I decided to talk to my superior regarding this - fixed the date and time when I would talk, also practised the talk in front of the mirror. And as if they'd got some telepathic waves, that day I got a whole list of new and interesting tasks to work on. And then onwards, my schedule was so tight, I literally didn't have time to lift my head up leave alone blogging. But for a change I started enjoying work. There was a fixed target to be met in a particular period. As for my previous colleague, who is in the designing team, work started getting repetitive. But this time, I had better things to do in life than hear his reminiscing thoughts.

And then it HAPPENED!!! After all the applying, re-applying, getting calls, going for interviews, being rejected, I got to know about a new opening. Having nothing to lose, went ahead and viola! got the final call. You'd thing the hard part is over. Then comes the part where you break this news to your boss. That time they make you feel like you are the most worthiest of the employee ever and as to how could you ever think of leaving. This from a guy whose only other conversation with me was when I was being hired! Then the questioning as to is the new job really worth the current one? The contempt for the new profile. The promises to make current job more interesting. All these talks really put you out of track and makes you wonder - sheesh , am I really taking the right decision leaving these wonderful people?
Every work teaches you a lot, adding experience and good memories. Parting is never pleasure for anyone. When I finally convinced them that they could not possibly do anything to stop me from moving on, I got to hear a deep sigh, a look of betrayal and a tone of fake 'all-the-bests'. And then came the dread of putting up the papers, getting all papers, submitting the papers to the new company, all the formalities, referral checks. Its never ending! And I'm wait in anticipation, expecting the worse, looking out for any possiblities of screw ups! You'd think anyone would be thrilled and on top of the world with the new job. Well, hold the excitement, you might be move after 2 years again!


Naiesha said...

Welcome back and congrats!!! When do u start work or have u joined already??

Ancy said...

@doc : hey doc, thanks! I'll be joining on the 22nd. will be here till 15th.. :)

Unknown said...

You posts are brilliant and witty, I definitely enjoyed reading them!!
Best of luck!
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