Jun 17, 2008

Moderately average

In life, we are always surrounded by go-getters, super-achievers and goal-seekers. But not everyone can become No.1. So how do we deal with failure or rather being the No.2 or No.10? Isn't it easy to just give up, pack your backs and go home. Some of us aren't even running the race coz they want to take life as it comes. But hasn't there been at least one moment in everyone's life where we wish we could trade all this with the No.1 person's life? Forget all logic of 'no one is perfect, there is surely something wrong somewhere with his/her lives'.. But for outsiders he/she might always be the one person who has it all. Everyone wants to live that one moment - not that life - but a few moments of basking in the glory sheer success and riches. To be the subject of somebody's envy, somebody's admiration and somebody's motivation...

In the end of it all, I really do wonder what gives these people the almost-god-like persona. Is it leadership? But when all people are equally qualified and taught to be leaders in the same environment, what cuts them above from everyone else? Who are leaders? Leadership quality requires to give direction as well as execution of tasks. So are these qualities inborn or taught? Some are born to be leaders, its in their blood, while some learn. The effectiveness of a leader depends on results and execution of plans. Or does it? A leader makes mistakes but should learn from them and move on. All this is easier said than done. No, success is surely a combination of many other factors along with being a leader. It takes the 3 D's - determination, dedication and discipline. Its not so important to be a leader to a team of people but being a leader of your own self is a challenge in itself. It means to have a control over all your urges to divert from your goal and to change paths. It means bringing your mind and body to push harder against all hurdles and achieve your goals. We need to set standards for our own selves and not give up. This is the only way the written-off, moderately average can become achievers - if not for anyone else atleast for your own self...


Naiesha said...

Neat post..well written.....

Ancy said...


Anu said...

good post..keep it up..expecting more interesting posts from you..

Ancy said...

well, thnx anu chechi...finally u visited my blog