Jun 23, 2008

Words that catch my fancy

Alright, I was browsing the net recently for some interesting websites recently(in order to keep my creativity flowing) and came across some words. So what's so great about that is, I just happened to think how some words, catch your attention and remains in your head the whole day. It just is so fancy that you try to use it in some sentence while speaking and don't even realize that these sentences don't make any sense but you'll use it anyways 'coz you just fancy it's pronunciations so much...

Does this happen only to me? Maybe. It might be part of my weird and wacky mind which goes totally out of control sometimes. So anyways, I thought I'll list down a few words that brings mixed emotions in my mind and a tingling sensation in my stomach. Some are so expressive in it self that just enunciating that word is enough to explain them. No need to add anything else. Check it out...

1. Rhapsody - An instrumental composition irregular in form and suggestive of improvisation. An ecstatic expression of feeling or enthusiasm. 2. Scintillating - Animated; vivacious; effervescent. 3. Enunciate - To utter or pronounce (words, sentences, etc.), esp. in an articulate or a particular manner. 4. Aubergine - No no its not a word with a very deep meaning, it is what we call in India - the Brinjal, also known as eggplant. (The brinjal is a little different in South east Asia compared to other continents. But I like the word Aubergine.)5. Jazz - A style of dance music, popular esp. in the 1920s, arranged for a large band and marked by some of the features of jazz.(I've pronounced this 4 letter word in 4 different types - 'jasss', 'chazz', 'jaaaz' and finally the correct way 'jaz'.)

6. Mystique - A framework of doctrines, ideas, beliefs, or the like, constructed around a person or object, endowing the person or object with enhanced value or profound meaning. 7.Emancipate - To free from restraint, influence, or the like. 8. Radical - Thorough going or extreme, esp. as regards change from accepted or traditional forms. Favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms. eg. A radical change in the policy of a company. 9. Ghastly - Shockingly frightful or dreadful, horrible. 10. Epiphany - A literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight.

11. Balmy
- mild and refreshing; soft; soothing. (I remember coming across this word first time in a Nancy Drew book when I was in the 6th. It really made me sick and my stomach hurt. Till date, whenever I read this word, my stomach hurts. Seriously, I have no logical explanation as to why it happens. Its weird. Such a harmless word. tch tch!!)
12. Saunter, ramble - To walk with a leisurely gait; stroll. eg: Sauntering through the woods. 13. Grotesque - Odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd, bizarre.14. Presumptuous - Impolitely bold.

I can go on and on but I think I should stop. Referring to No.11, wanted to reveal something else. Whenever I write, it makes me very uncomfortable if I haven't dotted the 'i's, the full stops and stroke the 't's properly. When in college or class, if I found I haven't satisfyingly stroke a 't' or dotted the 'i's', I would go back and make it right, thus, being left behind with my notes. It was highly irritating. I still don't know why I did that. Like I said before, W-E-I-R-D-O, that's what I am...

Hey Naisha, Carol why don't you guys try out this exercise, lets see which words catch your fancy...

* Source for the definitions - Dictionary.com


Naiesha said...

Oh I love to browse the dictionary. Even as a kid, i would search the book for interesting words..will definitely do the exercise.....but a bit later....

Caroline Kaunds said...

hmmm seems interesting..will do it..anyways m not gettin any topics to write lately..

Vaidegi J said...

nice interesting read. loved it. will come back for more. :)