Jul 4, 2008

And miles to go before I sleep

I'm not a poet nor a very ardent poem fan. But today, I sit peering on to the screen of my blinking computer, and I can't help thinking of this one line, I read way back when I was in school. Robert Frost's 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' is notably one of his famous poems with a deep meaning and significance about life. The last two lines always touch me and reminds me of how much further my life lies ahead. Today is one of those days where I feel, that this is it, I have seen enough and I don't think there is anything else left for me to learn or do. I should just hang up by boots and accept life as it is.

But then, why doesn't it give me any peace or comfort and seem like I'm lying to myself when I say, this is all I can achieve. I wish I knew what my future held( I know that it shouldn't matter) but at times I really do wish I could just take a peek ( like the trailers in Movies), just to get a feel about how its going to be. I know I have someone watching over me, and smiling knowingly as I sit and speculate about this and walk on untrodden paths. He smiles because He knows that no matter how much I wish, it is futile because He is the one in charge. And He sure surprises me each time.

Each day is bringing in something new, and I see the world just flurrying past me. I'm not sure whether I can do it all and nor can I let go . Lessons I thought I learned long back, has now come back haunting. Maybe, after all , I didn't learn too much. I have witnessed new rays of hopes and chances to revive. So many I haven't paid attention to. And just when I thought I'd seen it all, here comes thousands of them beckoning me again. There have been so many things I thought I wasn't capable of but I am, so many things I thought I was capable of but I'm not. These contradictions are overwhelming at times because I cannot get what I want and have really got things I never imagined would ever be mine.

U2 blares in mind a song I used to dance to in my 12th, "But I still haven't found what I'm lookin' for..." Those days I used to dance to to its tunes, but now I've started realizing what the song meant. Life will never be predictable, and we can never say, its over after growing up, or getting a job or after marriage or even after having kids. Because what I mightt think is the END , its always just been a BEGINNING to a new dawn and a new phase in my life.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost


Naiesha said...

Loved this poem while in school. Yeah, life is very unpredictable. Someone said to me, "God will always give us what we NEED and not what we WANT". That has remained with me till today. We need much grace to discern between our wants and needs.

And yes! there is so much to learn every single day, especially when we think we have finally arrived....

Caroline Kaunds said...

hey girk dont be so disappointed.. i think with all these ups n downs it makes life a lot more interesting... imagine how boring it wud be if u knew the future... i know how it feels when u get things totally not expected.. like naiesha said.. God will always give us wat we need...for eg: if ur kid tomo asks u for a whole box of chocolates would u give it..as a wise mother i think not... the child might think that, he requires a whole box, but u know that he dosn't....

dont worry there will be good days too:)

Ancy said...

thanks carol, the thing is im not upset abt whts happening, im glad. Its strange you know, its like im coming in terms with life, and who I am as a person.

Its like saying i hve grown up but still am eagerly waiting to learn more.. and thts a good thing rite! But it amazes me as to how we assume life is a standstill after a certain point, when it is not actually...